Wednesday, February 9, 2022

BL Project and Pride Citations

The covid-19 pandemic seemed to provide more "spare" time in our lives. Watching boys' love BL genre of online / web series was an option and formed part of activities which filled up my daily pandemic routine.  Aside from being unfamiliar with such type of series, the challenge is to come up with a positive output from this activity. 

The BL genre originated in Asia where cultures are diverse. As a world music enthusiast, it did not take long for me to realize that countries in the region have something in common - brilliantly written  contemporary Pop music.  The result is the creation of an Asian Pop Music 2021 playlist which also included tracks from prior years.  (Click on the image below for the playlist.)

BL Music - The Asian Pop Playlist 2021 (& Prior)

Though this is only a one-year (2021) project, with the continued patronage of such genre and the recording of notable soundtracks OSTs at the moment, this archive maker is compelled to continue this compilation task.  Thus, a playlist for 2022 was created and is being updated with the more notable OSTs of  the current year. 

BL (LGBTQIA+) Music - The Asian Pop Playlist 2022

As a rule, songs included in each playlist are officially included in the soundtrack of the series released during the playlist year.  It must be noted that these series also utilize songs from the distant past. Thus, the playlist may include songs released decades earlier. The playlist, however, does not claim the quality of the series. The playlist inclusion of the song means that the compiler deemed the track is notable.  Thus, if you do not see your favorite track in the playlist, we are quite sure that the song would be included in your official playlist.   

Finally, the coming blog posts would feature OST citations for each country and the recommended BLs for 2021.  For related posts, you could also refer to BL Pride Pinterest board. 



Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Unlike Middle Earth

(Notes intended to be published 6 October 2016.)

Like Middle Earth and Encantadia, October has come to LABELandia Philippines (PI).  PI is an archipelago where loyalists, yellowtards, yellow zombies, trolls and other political creatures live in disunity and constant bashing. These creatures originated from a race with brown complexion and a flat nose improved not by surgery but by intermarriages with the Caucasian race. 

Yes, these people are the Southeast Asian Indios or Pinoys from the Philippines or Philippine Islands.  Why termed the country LABELandia? Well, many Pinoys experience transformation (metamorphosis in science) when they directly or indirectly involve themselves in politics.  Their behaviors range from the normal to the extreme (even supernatural or cosmic).  A Pinoy could even become GOD The Father, Christ or lucifer when filing his candidacy.

By nature, Pinoys are very loyal.  With a simple act of generosity, a Pinoy could return the favor via lifetime of support (repayment of personal debt or "utang na loob" in the vernacular).  He becomes selfless by offering his services and meager resources to another person.  With such virtue (or eventual weakness), the Pinoy has been used, abused and exploited  by these political monsters, er politicians.

Due to extreme loyalty and being blindsided as a result, many Pinoys lose their sense of right or wrong.  Sadly, in a political issue, they choose to side with the politician who they support.  Instead of choosing the position which benefits the nation, their biases override their decisions and lead them to  side with the politicians they like.  (Politics of Personalities than Issues).  This decision making process is NOT a result of stupidity rather of being stubborn.

In every political issue, Pinoys have become polarized.  Depending on the politician being supported, their individual views have been made narrow by adopting a pro or anti stance. Thus, if you do not AGREE with them (politician and his minions ,er, supporters), then you are AGAINST them. Worse, this mentality has not been maintained at the ISSUES level but elevated to a PERSONAL one.

At this level, bashing and bullying cases start.   Proofs of such cases can be seen in various comments of social media posts made recently.  Many lack the maturity to accept the stand of another individual.  Imagine, relationships (family and friends) have been strained by the recent elections and current political issues.

For the unfamiliar about the diversity of political opinions in PI, below are the main labels attached to the politicized Pinoys.  Of course, there are independent-minded Pinoys and those who dread to be associated with the labels below.

During the EDSA1 revolution and forward, those who support the deposed dictator are referred to as Marcos Loyalists.  Most of these Pinoys have extended their support to the late President's son Bongbong Marcos during the 2016 Vice-Presidential elections.  From the Loyalists, Pinoys who collaborated with the late President Cory Aquino were termed "Balimbings".

In the Snap Elections of 1980s, supporters of widow-in-yellow who became the first woman Philippine President came into existence.  The "Coryists" (coined after the endearing address of President Corazon 'Cory' Aquino) would likewise extend their support to her son President Noynoy Aquino.  With social media, the previous President's supporters earned such nasty labels Yellowtards (short form of Yellow Retards) and/or Yellow Zombies.  The color yellow referring to the signature colors of both mother and son Aquino Presidents.  

Proving that surprises (even miracles) occur in Philippine politics, the Trolls were the moving force that brought about 'Change' in the Philippine government.  Current President Rodrigo Duterte survived a very late negative campaigning by the previous administration camp.   Thus, a look at Philippine social media posts nowadays would still show confrontation between Trolls  and  Yellowtards/Zombies.  

If you are thinking that political divisions will stop here, then you are quite wrong.  As long as Philippine democracy is alive, the divisions will expand.  Pinoys are not rigid in their choices.   A mutation can occur even with a Loyalist and a Yellowtard in the future.

****************************   THEN COVID-19 ARRIVED. ****************************

It is 2022 now and an election year.  The pandemic seemed to tame political and electoral maneuvers.  At this point, the yellow camp has been orphaned with the death of former President Noynoy Aquino. Former EDSA2 ally and President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has endorsed Bongbong Marcos for the top job.  After three decades, the loyalist camp is ready to take political leadership and governance. As one political aspirant considers this event would make the Philippines a lost cause, this point of view will definitely be rebutted by the loyalist camp.  

One thing is definite. The Philippines is a DEMOCRACY.  In a democracy, people can make a mistake during the election. However, they can always correct (even at a high cost) their mistake in the next election.  Again, the view of political error or mistake is relative to which label one belongs to. Finally, this blog will not end with the reminder "Vote Wisely".  As previously mentioned, many Pinoys are NOT stupid and are only stubborn.  Instead, we say - Just VOTE.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Dealing with "Tarrible" Smokers

Parents often remind us to stay away from trouble.  Because of this advice, some Pinoys avoid compromising or difficult situations.  When an issue is considered trivial and does not directly affect oneself, they ignore (dedma) the related situation or event.

Due to our polite nature and "avoid hassle/trouble" attitude, Pinoys usually would rather suffer in silence than be combatant on what they perceive as trivial matter. However, there is a limit to such tolerance and ,when the limit is reached (kapag puno na ang salop or ,equivalently translated in English,when the cup is full), one can expect a nasty eruption or explosion of some sort.

In the crib which I currently reside and before my mother's death, four (4) out of the seven (7) residents smoke.  The non-smokers included my 91-year old mother, an older cousin and myself.  Predictably, my mother had an allergy to dust and cigarette smoke.  Thus, smokers were requested to puff cigarettes in designated areas so that the smoke will not be inhaled by the elderly.

During my college years, I smoked to relax in-between examinations. When my father died of lung cancer, I stopped the habit.  However, my air space has not been smoke-free since my sister is fearless in not kicking the habit.  Also,  I encountered smokers at work and other places. Fortunately, most of these smokers respect my breathing space.

What happens when I encounter nicotine dependents who are A-holes? With almost a perfect success rate of regaining a smoke-free zone, I have done the following: covered my nose to prevent inhaling the smoke,  coughed a couple of times to signal the smoker that he/she is polluting the air which I breathe, and moved away from the smoker.  

There were a couple of instances when the smoker followed me after I moved away from  him/her.  By doing so, the smoker cum prankster (alaskador in Filipino) who pissed me off deserved a dagger look. With such reaction, the prankster then maintained a distance.  Good thing was that I don't have to seek assistance from a security personnel or a law  enforcement officer to get rid of the nasty smoker.

As a regular Juan, I ride public utility vehicles  - jeep,  bus and mass/light railway transit MRT/LRT.  In one instance, I went to a supermarket and took the jeep to go back home.  It was the very first time that I encountered a nasty creature who attempted to smoke inside the jeep's main passengers' area. 

Before the signing of the Tobacco Regulation Act or Republic Act No. 9211, smoking in the outermost seat of the jeep's front passenger area was tolerated.  Even when the law was signed, passengers tolerate such smoking activity.  Smokers rejoiced when the former President Noynoy Aquino took office because they expected the relaxation of RA 9211 implementation ,at the least, or the law's repeal.  Thus, the bravado of the creature that I encountered in the jeep.

In his face, I told the creature not to smoke.  The creature became creative  and went to the outermost seat of the rear main passenger entrance.  Instead of throwing his butt outside, he continued smoking. I reminded him that he cannot teach direction to his cigarette smoke and the smoke will inevitably reach our breathing space.  The  remark seemed to fall on either deaf ears or low mental comprehension.

Left with a stubborn nicotine addict,  I resorted to something which I avoid as much as possible - that is, use my gadgets for legal documentation.  With my antique mobile phone, I took photos  of the smoker and recorded his excesses.  Of course, I did the shots carefully and appropriately not to invade the smoker's and other passengers' privacy.  Shame campaign is not in my agenda. 

The creature sensed my activity and threw his butt outside. But if he had persisted with his session, I was ready to use the recorded material for a complaint which I can lodge at an upcoming police checkpoint set up along the jeep's route.  

Now, I will just use the photo to prove a point - inconsistent and difficult implementation of Philippine laws.  

The tobacco regulation law was created with the best intentions and expected end results. Unfortunately, political negligence and inconsistent implementation rendered the law ineffective. I only heard in the later part of 2016 about the drafting of an Executive Order which will implement smoking restrictions.  

Last May 16, 2017, Philippine Executive Order No. 26 Providing for the Establishment of Smoke-Free Environments in Public and Enclosed Places was signed by President Rodrigo Duterte and took effect 23rd of July 2017.

Unfortunately, I still see nicotine dependents inconspicuously holding their cigarette sticks in public places and even while walking in the streets. Again, the executive order will become ineffective if people who are designated to implement the order are quite tolerant of such action or view the smoking issue as trivial.  

In the end, no law or no order can deter a person's action.  What a person does is always his/her CHOICE.  Even if smoking is hazardous to one's health, it is still the person's choice to LIVE or DIE.  What we can do is to make people aware of the law (executive order in this case) and pray that smokers choose to RESPECT the rights of others for a nicotine-free breathing space and a tar-free surrounding.  

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Petty Crime on a Fat Tuesday

Going to a mall compels me to don a decent casual attire.  When I decided to buy groceries and dinner for my nonagenarian mother last February 28, 2017 which was a day prior to Ash Wednesday, I wore a dark blue Hollister shirt with a yellow-green horizontal stripe , a Da Hui Hybrid Collection short and a Penshoppe chambray slip-on shoes.  The shirt and short were given by relatives abroad while the footwear was bought from an end of season sale.

While I carried the eco bag containing the groceries in my right shoulder and a huge paper bag containing my mom's dinner in my left hand, I walked and struggled to reach the front of the Philippine Stock Exchange Building where I took the public utility jeep going to my place.  After an hour of waiting and avoiding mob-like boarding competition from other passengers, I was able to take a ride back home.

Philippine Stock Exchange

Inside the jeep, several passengers got busy in preparing and paying for their fares.  With my right hand holding my previously prepared payment, I gave my ten(10)-peso coin to a male passenger near the driver. The passenger who took my coin did not immediately give my payment to the driver. He waited for the others to hand him their fares.  To my surprise, he was giving change to selected passengers.  Afterward, he gave all the payments to  the driver.

Still being positive, I was hoping that the driver will notice an over payment of two(2) pesos and will give me my change.  Reaching my destined stop, I asked a couple of passengers immediately beside me who received my payment.  They confirmed that it was the guy wearing spectacles and maroon-like long sleeves.  Speaking of the culprit, he was also taking off at the same stop.

I was able to catch up with the "villain" and told him what's on  my mind.  "Although I would not die without receiving my two(2)-peso change and with your good intentions to facilitate payments, next time promptly hand the payments to the driver so that a passenger with excess payment can directly ask the driver for the change," I advised the dude.  The guy just froze and gave me a blank stare.  Then, I went ahead of the speechless guy.

After I told my sister about the incident, she gave a surprising twist to the story.  She asked me if the fare facilitator was an old guy.  I replied in the negative and she said an old man riding the jeeps within the area was collecting fares to avoid giving his due fare. Then, she advised me to pay the driver when the latter can  recognize my payment.  To be safe, avoid handing your fare when a couple of passengers are also making their payments.

For me, the incident was an irresponsible/inconsistent transmittal of payment.  In my sister's point of view, it was petty crime of fare theft, (I am not sure whether this is an exact example of filching which is stealing small amounts of money, properties, etc.)  The modus operandi M.O. was to act like a treasurer or conduit of fare payments of several passengers where the payments are handed to the driver in a single batch.  With the driver unable to exactly identify the paying back seat passengers, the petty thief (filcher) steals a free ride.

Why such a big deal to the extent of describing my attire?  Stealing is WRONG.  The act is aggravated by the victim(s)' economic status  Because the potential victim is wrapped in branded attire does not justify the act.  This petty crime is not like Robin Hood who had heroic intentions of stealing from the rich to benefit the poor. In my story, the real victim could very well be the jeepney driver.  The criminal has deprived the driver a well-deserved and hard-earned fare aside from reducing the purchasing power of the pensioner' cash funds (a source of my cash inflows).

Until now, I am still hoping that the dude was a careless payment facilitator.  If not, this petty criminal did not demonstrate an inch of remorse when i was giving him a piece of my mind.   Can we now say this is just a small amount of money and we should not bother? That we should only be alarmed if he takes thieving to the next level by increasing his stolen amount. Probably, we can take comfort by thinking that this was only a planned small mischievous act to signal the end of the season of excesses and the start of lent.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

INDIO of the YEAR 2016

It's the time of year when various entities conduct a review of the year's significant events, and make a list of relevant personalities with notable achievements or controversial issues. For this blogger, below are the Philippines' most fitting attributions or citations ("sigh-tations") of 2016. 

Event of the Year - Presidential Elections 2016

Almost all Filipinos were affected by this event.  Whether they actually voted or not, Pinoys have talked, discussed and reacted about the elections.  Various social media and networking services have shown the extent of interaction and reaction about 2016 Elections posts. There were even cases of "unfriending" or "blocking" friends and relatives as a result of opposing views on posts regarding the election candidates.

For this category, runners-up are Extra-Judicial Killings EJK, Marcos Burial and  the Drug Investigations on both Houses of Congress.

Homecoming of the Year - Pia Wurtzbach Miss Universe 2015 Grand Homecoming

Although Senator Manny Pacquiao won over Jessie Vargas by unanimous decision in early November to take home the WBO welterweight title, Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach's return last January proved to be the most talked about homecoming event of 2016.  After four decades since Maria Margarita Roxas Moran-Floirendo won Miss Universe, no Filipina was able to take home the coveted crown of one of the most important and most popular international beauty pageant.

MissUniverse 2015 - Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach

Thus, it is no surprise for the whole nation to rejoice when Pia Wurtzbach became the country's third Miss Universe titleholder.  In a country where young children are encouraged to become sportsman/sportswoman, actors, performers and beauty titlists, Pia's perseverance in winning the Miss Universe title is exemplary if not legendary.  She could have copyrighted the motto "try and try until you succeed" in her journey to become the most beautiful woman in the universe.  Indeed, there is so much to grain after working hard to attain one's goal.

Above is the video of Pia Wurtzbach's grand homecoming parade at the country's premiere financial district Makati City.

Word(s) of the Year - Put*ngina  (PI)

Saying this word has earned President Duterte the distinction of the first elected Philippine leader to defy the subservient tradition and behavior of Filipinos towards Caucasians-in-power particularly Americans and Western Europeans including the Pope.  Of course, utterance of this word earned the ire of the Catholic Church hierarchy and devout faithfuls. Diplomatic admonitions were earned by the speaker from US President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as well.  

The use of this word by President Duterte also made broadcast monitoring difficult if not impossible for the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board MTRCB which ensures that aired Television programs' contents are suitable for the shows' intended viewers.  For parents, allowing their very young children to watch TV news becomes a quandary.  

Hate Team of the Year - Senator Leila de Lima and President Rodrigo Duterte 

Although the year started with the strong 2015 love team of Alden Richards and Maine "Yaya Dub" Mendoza,  the new pair of Senator Leila de Lima and President Rodrigo Duterte eclipsed last year's couple of the year immediately after the President's Inauguration.  

The pair's animosity is like a telenovela (television drama series) which started during the administration of then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo when then Commissioner on Human Rights Leila de Lima unsuccessfully proved the direct connection of then Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte to the Davao Death Squad

Now, the tables are turned when President Rodrigo Duterte has identified the liability of then Department of Justice DOJ Secretary Leila de Lima during the previous administration of President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III in the proliferation of illegal drugs in  the New Bilibid Prison which is under the DOJ.  
Source :  (Yahoo Images)

The animosity saga is designed to be of epic proportion but is unraveling to be a tawdry sex trip ST film of the late 1980s and early 1990s.  Imagine, investigation at the lower house of Congress has gone to probing the intimate details of a  seemingly adulterous relationship of the lady Senator with her previous Driver.  Such relationship issue should be dealt with by the Supreme Court which is handling the disbarment case against the lady Senator.

Until this writing, the pair's hate story has not reached its final episode.  Like any television series, one has to patiently wait for its conclusion probably in 2017,   Although a resolution might be reached next year, a sequel might suddenly develop if the next administration will be sympathetic towards Senator de Lima.

Indio of the Year (Pinoy of the Year) -  President Rodrigo Roa Duterte   

Hands-down and unanimous, the Filipino of the Year is Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.  Whether you like him or not, Uncle Digong, Tatay Digong, Duts, DU30 or President Duterte made a mark in Philippine History in 2016.  Although he was born in Leyte, President Duterte's political career is Mindanao-bred and raised.  Thus, he is considered the first Mindanaon Philippine President.

Source:  Wikipedia   (Yahoo Images)

Under a campaign platform of eradication of crime particularly war on illegal drugs, President Duterte garnered sixteen million plus votes to win the presidential race.  After his inauguration, he initiated an independent foreign policy via a visit to China and meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the APEC Summit in Peru.

In the domestic forefront, President Duterte started the ball rolling for peace talks with the Mindanao Muslim rebels and the Communist Insurgents.  Also, he is firmly set to come up with a definitive schedule for the change of system of government to Federalism.  

Thus, attaining the desired end result by the current administration of  any or several of the President's key advocacies such as Anti-Drug Campaign, Independent Foreign Policy,  Peace Talks with the rebels and insurgents,  and  Shift to a Federal System of Government - will bring a major change in the country.  The impact of such change will be felt by the coming generations.

(Note: Blogger chose the term INDIO to remind the readers the sacrifices and continuing struggles of Filipinos to be the masters in their own country the Philippines.)


Saturday, September 24, 2016

September Morn in the Philippines

It is UNOFFICIAL!  Christmas has started four (4) weeks ago in the Philippines.  When you ask an "Insulares Pinoy" (Filipino born and raised in the Philippine Islands) what the 'ember' months mean,  "Christmas is near."  will likely be the reply.

Tune in to Philippine radio by the first of September and you will hear a Christmas song.  Such anticipation is not a result of the Pinoy's religious faith but by his positive/hopeful outlook in life. Pinoys want to look forward to something positive.  Christmas is a joyful event which inspires Pinoys since it is a time when family members reunite and enjoy each others company without restrictions (unlike the long holidays during Holy Week).

It is not unusual for Filipinos to plan ahead on their list of Christmas gifts' recipients.   The islands' economy is Christmas-driven.  Economic activity is full blast during the last quarter of the year.  Such is led by booming sales of native delicacies (Kakanin) and Christmas recipes such as Puto Bumbong ,purple-colored glutinous rice steamed in bamboo tubes, and Bibingka ,a rice cake cooked in preheated coals.

Aside from individuals, companies are preparing for their giveaways  and promotional items for the holiday season.  After Halloween,  retail establishments are setting up their Christmas Season offers - from Sale to Promotional schemes.  Corporate strategists are preoccupied in coming up with activities (affairs and events)  and marketing items/accessories that will be ,at the least, relevant to and ,hopefully, will create an impact or solidify the company's business relations with both clients and servers. 

Retail Drug and Personal Care Companies' Promo Items

Back to reality.  September 2016 in the Philippines will be remembered for the following: Senate investigation on the Extra Judicial Killings EJK which accompany President Rodrigo Duterte's war against illegal drugs, House of Representative's investigation on the Drug Trade inside the national penitentiary New Bilibid Prison NBP,  typhoon Ferdie' (international name Meranti) wrath over the Batanes Islands and the "Brangelina" split.

In the meantime, below is a Playlist of songs with SEPTEMBER in the titles to help ease our anticipation toward the actual Christmas season.  Enjoy!

(Note : For a couple of videos, you may need to click and play the video on YouTube page and one video may not be viewed in your country due to copyright restrictions imposed over the viewer's location.)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Philippine Election 2016: Citizenship Issue and Strategies of the Incumbent

The 2016 inauguration of the next Philippine President would imply that the Commission on Elections COMELEC has established ,at the least, an updated voters' list via biometrics registration process.  The list being clean and complete will always be relative to the observer's perspective.

As always, the election result would define policy changes or retention.  The Straight Path (Daang Matuwid) platform of the current administration maybe adopted or dumped by the next President. Looking at the roster of Presidential applicants reveals that the platform's final destiny is  even questionable with aspirants named Lucifer and Bin Laden.

For an ordinary Pinoy, the 2016 election promises to educate him and the millions of Filipino students. The question has already been raised indirectly.  Who is a natural-born Filipino citizen?

From Article IV Citizenship of the 1987 Philippine Constitution,

SECTION 2. Natural-born citizens are those who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship. Those who elect Philippine citizenship in accordance with paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof shall be deemed natural-born citizens.

A simple interpretation of  the above would mean that a natural-born Filipino is one who does not need to do anything to acquire Filipino citizenship. This also includes those born prior to January 17, 1973 to Filipino mothers and elected Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority.

Since I am not a lawyer and do not read the Supreme Court Reports Annotated (SCRA) volumes, I am not aware whether an adoptive case has been brought to court or not.  In my opinion, the law is not prejudiced against adopted children and ,so, such definition equally applies to adopted children.

The next question is whether a natural-born citizen is a permanent status or not.  Would a natural-born Filipino citizen be a lifetime status?  From SECTION 2 above, the definition states "from birth" rather than "at birth".  Moreover, citizenship is a dynamic status unlike ethnicity which is a permanent one.  

Citizenship can be renounced or acquired unlike one's ethnic origin.  Thus, a Filipino(a) who becomes a citizen of another country, renounces and later reacquires Philippine citizenship is not a natural-born Filipino(a) anymore.  Simply put, reacquiring Philippine citizenship would disqualify one from running and holding top national positions - President, Vice-President and Senator.

Since citizenship is not like marriage which can be annulled or voided from the start, a document which shows one has renounced the citizenship acquired in-between renouncing and re-acquiring Philippine citizenship does not reinstate the individual's natural-born status.  A concrete example is when one has renounced Philippine citizenship, acquired US citizenship, reacquired Philippine citizenship and then renounced US citizenship.  For whatever intention is such citizenship carousel, the natural-born Filipino status has been lost during the renunciation of Philippine citizenship.

The above discussion on the natural-born status is definitely an opinion of this blog writer who hopes that the Supreme Court of the Philippines will provide a definitive interpretation which is consistent with the spirit of the law. The problem, however, is that the issue is raised only at the level of the COMELEC and the Senate Electoral Tribunal SET.  Probably, we could expect a long period of appeals and counter-appeals on this matter.

The natural-born citizen issue is a critical element of the 2016 Philippine election.  It is key to the objective that the 2016 presidential election will not be a repeat of the 2010 vice-presidential outcome. There is now a clear attempt to change the front runners of the game.

Of course, the current administration and ruling party Liberal Party LP wants their candidate to win.  To increase their candidate's chances is to discredit the previous opponent and pit their bet with the most popular but neophyte candidate. As such, a new top two-contenders scenario is being hatched.

The popularity of the previous opponent has been decimated due to corruption charges.  Whether the alleged charges are true or not, the survey results proved the charges' toll.

The next aim is to raise the popularity status of the administration candidate who had been hovering in the doldrums until 2015. One way is to utilize survey results.  One survey asked the respondents to enumerate three preferred candidates for the presidency.  The survey result was seemingly interpreted that if elections were held during the survey period,, the actual vote percentages will  follow the survey rankings.

Current government officials' performance and trust-related surveys are also used to bolster the administration bet's popularity ranking.  By now, the LP bet seems to be immediately trailing the most popular candidate.  As expressed by the Senate President who belongs to the LP, the 2016 Presidential Election will be contested primarily by the neophyte candidate and the administration bet.

Aside from improving the administration bet's popularity rating, another phase is to establish that voters of the neophyte senator and the LP bet came from the same voter demographics. This might mean that in case the neophyte senator is disqualified due to some reason, logic follows that the administration bet will be the primary beneficiary.

Well, whether such strategies and courses of action are "morally" appropriate or  not, political survival is the game.  The previous century ,specifically the pre-martial law period, showed the rise of two dominant political parties - the Nacionalista Party NP and the LP.  Due to the transfer of a previous and then popular LP member to NP, the latter party weakened when the standard bearer opted to form a new party Kilusang Bagong Lipunan KBL.

After the EDSA People Power Revolution in 1986, the LP has maintained its strength and proximity to the top national post.  LP was content to collaborate or even be King/Queen maker prior to 2010.  The 2010 election has made LP the most powerful party with the election of President Aquino - an achievement in spite of the existence (and eventual settlement) of several divisions inside the party (Salonga-Kalaw and Drilon-Atienza).

The 2016 election is anticipated to be like a continuing television series with unexpected twist and turns.  What would happen with the candidacy of the neophyte senator who faces disqualification cases regarding her citizenship and residency status?  Would the discredited dark horse from Makati City regain his power and repeat his come from behind victory in 2010? Would the administration bet finally capture the coveted political prize and continue the Straight Path platform?

With the closing of the filing of the Certificate of Candidacy last October 16, 2015, would an Ilonggo be the next Philippine president? There are three of them including the neophyte senator. If not an Ilonggo or the Vice-President from Makati City, would the top honcho remotely via substitution of the current PDP-Laban bet be the incumbent Mayor from Davao City?  Would the next vice-president be from Bicol, the Son of the late "New Society" President or the Senator from Taguig?

More importantly, would the 2016 election produce political newbies? Would LP be still the dominant party?  Would the election turn out to be honest and peaceful?

We just hope that the result will REALLY be for the benefit of the country and the people specially those who are considered to be the lesser Children of GOD.